The United States of America funded and led the fight against tyranny and the German Kaiser (Emperor) Wilhelm 2nd in World War 1. She led the fight against fascism, the Axis Powers and Adolf Hitler’s Germany in World War 2.
She led the fight against communism, Josef Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union in the cold war.She led the fight against Saddam Hussein in the two Gulf Wars and the fight against the Taliban and Al Qaeda in the war against terror. On all these occasions and many others the Americans literally saved the world. That is the United States of America that we know and love.
In those days, in the conduct of their foreign policy, they led by example, they displayed solid religious values, they feared God and they stood firmly against all manner of evil. Sadly things appear to have changed in the last few years.
Today’s America seeks to impose her culturally deviant and strange values on the rest of the world by hook or by crook. Today’s America boastfully and openly erects statues of and builds monuments to Satan (the Lord of Destruction) in her cities, all in name of religious freedom.
America openly celebrates the cult of humanism and the rejection of God
in all its dealings and affairs. Today’s America says things like "we
will compel Nigeria to accept homosexuality and gay marriage".
America, through its Supreme Court, has redefined the institution of
marriage, has rejected its traditional definition and has affirmed the
right of every American to enter into same-sex marriages- a course of
action which is in direct contradiction with the Holy Bible and which is
nothing less than an affront to the Living God.
America has done more than any other country in the world to
destabilise and topple Arab and North African secularist governments and
to help spread the dreaded Wahhabi/salifist philosophy, jihadist terror
and Islamic fundamentalism.
America has isolated the State of Israel and has pampered and appeased
the traditional enemies of the Jewish state more than any other.
America has provoked and alienated Russia, caused a civil war in the
Ukraine, divided eastern Europe, increased tensions and nuclear
proliferation amongst the world powers and made the world a far more
dangerous and unstable place.
America has a police force that slaughters blacks for sport and has a
military that indulges in the systematic torture and rape of prisoners
of war. Today’s America gives sodomy a pride of place in the affairs of
men. I could go on and on.
much has gone wrong in "the land of the free and the home of the
brave". So much has gone awry in "Gods own country" and all of it has
happened under the watch and during the tenure of office of a suave,
good-looking, elegant, eloquent, brilliant and seemingly gentle, humble
and pious African American President who first rode into power in 2008
on the slogan "yes we can".
did we know at that time that "yes we can" actually meant "anything
goes". Yet despite all these challenges and conflicting signals one
thing remains clear: many of us, including this writer, still love
America and we always will.
admonitions and observations are made out of love and concern and not
out of anger or hatred. Let us pray that the USA gets back up there
again where she belongs.
us pray that she turns back to God and that her glory is restored. Let
us hope that in 2016 the American people elect a President that "knows
God", fears Him and stands in awe of Him.
Meanwhile I have a few more questions for U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy.
United States of America, both directly and through their regional
allies like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait and various other Arab
Gulf states, supplied millions of dollars’ worth of arms to the vicious
Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organisation known as the Al Nusra
Front three years ago in Syria in an attempt to get rid of President
Bashir Al Assad. Did they forget about the Leahy Act then?
they not recognise the fact that when Al Nusra was going from town to
town wiping out whole civilian populations, including women and
children, and openly cutting out and eating the hearts of their victims
that it was a gross violation of human rights? Worse still they filmed
their barbarous behavior and proudly aired it on the internet.
Al Nusra Front was to later transmute into the beast called ISIS and
the rest is history. Who created, funded and fed that beast at the
initial stage? Who encouraged them at the outset? Was it not America?
to think of it who funded and created Al Qaeda itself and who supported
and armed Osama Bin Ladin to resist and fight the Soviets in
Afghanistan right from the start? Was it not America?
who supported and funded Saddam Hussein in the early years and who sold
him millions of dollars’ worth of weapons to fight a war against Iran
in an attempt to topple Ayatollah Khomeni after the Iranian revolution?
Was it not America?
was U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy on all these occasions? Did he lose his
voice? Was he on vacation in Hawaii? Did he complain about the
atrocities and human rights violations committed by the Al Nusra Front,
Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein at the appropriate times?
particular why was he so silent about the atrocities of Al Nusra three
years ago and why did he not call them ''rapists and murderers'' in the
same way that he called our soldiers same?
was his celebrated Leahy Act not invoked to stop the Obama
administration from supplying arms to the Al Nusra Front in the same way
that it was invoked to stop them from supplying arms to our Armed
Leahy should explain that one away to the world instead of insulting
the sensibilities of our people. Who is kidding who?
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