The Oscar-winning actress, on Tuesday, shared a photo to her Instagram account of her and the musician cuddling. Alex also posted the same loved-up photo on the same day.
Halle captioned hers: "My balance."
Halle and Alex were spotted on Monday night taking in a special moment during the LOVE x Miu Miu party at London Fashion Week at LouLou's private members' club. The couple have kept their relationship secret for at least a few months as they were spotted leaving separately from uber-romantic Il Cielo restaurant in Beverly Hills in July. Then in August, Halle told People magazine that she was taking a break from dating after her divorce from French actor Olivier Martinez in 2016.
Now that they've both shared a photo of each other with a telling caption, it's safe to say Halle is back on the dating scene and she and Alex are an item now.
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